Thalassostaphylos elegans


Vendor: Gold Bugs

SKU Number: SQ0331671

A rare comb jellyfish Thalassostaphylos elegans, Middle Cambrian, Marjum Formation, Millard County, Utah.

These rare ctenophores, marine invertebrates commonly known as comb jellies, have recently been found and described from the Marjum Formation in Utah.

This plate also has an undescribed sponge.

Full dimensions are listed below.

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Vendor: Gold Bugs

SKU Number: SQ0331671

A rare comb jellyfish Thalassostaphylos elegans, Middle Cambrian, Marjum Formation, Millard County, Utah.

These rare ctenophores, marine invertebrates commonly known as comb jellies, have recently been found and described from the Marjum Formation in Utah.

This plate also has an undescribed sponge.

Full dimensions are listed below.

Vendor: Gold Bugs

SKU Number: SQ0331671

A rare comb jellyfish Thalassostaphylos elegans, Middle Cambrian, Marjum Formation, Millard County, Utah.

These rare ctenophores, marine invertebrates commonly known as comb jellies, have recently been found and described from the Marjum Formation in Utah.

This plate also has an undescribed sponge.

Full dimensions are listed below.

Specimen Details
Name: Thalassostaphylos elegans nov. Phylum: Ctenophora Age: Middle Cambrian Locality: Millard County, Utah Formation: Marjum Formation
Matrix Dimensions
Dimensions: In Centimeters Length: N/A Width: N/A Thickness: N/A Weight: N/A
Specimen Dimensions
Dimensions: In Centimeters Length: N/A Width: N/A Thickness: N/A Weight: N/A
Shipping Dimensions
Dimensions: In Inches Length: 10.00 inches Width: 7.00 inches Height: 4.00 inches Weight: 2 lbs
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Additional Information


Ctenophores are a group of predatory macroinvertebrates whose controversial phylogenetic position has prompted several competing hypotheses regarding the evolution of animal organ systems.


References Wikipedia: Marum Formation
References Wikipedia: Ctenophora

Comb Jellies
Authors: Luke A. Parry, Rudy Lerosey-Aubril, James C. Weaver, Javier Ortega-Hernández

Olenellus chiefensis
Triarthrus eatoni
Olenellus chiefensis
Luolishania longicruris
Elrathia kingii