Nymph Plant Hopper


Vendor: Fossils in Amber

SKU Number: SQ2067545

This is a complete specimen of a plant hopper nymph from the Miocene amber deposits of the Dominican Republic.

This is a beautiful example, with articulated appendages and antennae that are swept back along the body. The amber is very transparent and the insect is clearly visible and nicely positioned in the center of the piece. The curved array of lenses on the eyes are also well defined and easily seen.

Full dimensions are listed below.

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Vendor: Fossils in Amber

SKU Number: SQ2067545

This is a complete specimen of a plant hopper nymph from the Miocene amber deposits of the Dominican Republic.

This is a beautiful example, with articulated appendages and antennae that are swept back along the body. The amber is very transparent and the insect is clearly visible and nicely positioned in the center of the piece. The curved array of lenses on the eyes are also well defined and easily seen.

Full dimensions are listed below.

Vendor: Fossils in Amber

SKU Number: SQ2067545

This is a complete specimen of a plant hopper nymph from the Miocene amber deposits of the Dominican Republic.

This is a beautiful example, with articulated appendages and antennae that are swept back along the body. The amber is very transparent and the insect is clearly visible and nicely positioned in the center of the piece. The curved array of lenses on the eyes are also well defined and easily seen.

Full dimensions are listed below.

Specimen Details
Name: Plant Hopper Nymph Order: Hemiptera Age: 25 M.Y.O. Oligocene to Miocene Locality: Dominican Republic Formation: Sedimentary
Matrix Dimensions
Dimensions: In Inches Length: 1 inch Width: 19/32 inch Thickness: 9/32 inch Weight: 2 grams
Specimen Dimensions
Dimensions: In Inches Length: 6/32 inch Width: 3/32 inch Height: Negligible Weight: 2 grams
Shipping Dimensions
Dimensions: In Inches Length: 8.50 inches Width: 5.50 inches Height: 1.75 inches Weight: 1.0 lbs (Small Flat Rate Box)
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Additional Information

Dominican Republic amber is very transparent and is known for the number of high quality inclusions it contains.

There are two main sites that yield amber in the Dominican Republic; Santiago de los Caballeros, in the north, and Santo Domingo, in the east. In the northern area, the amber-bearing unit is the upper part of the La Taco Formation, comprising a suite of clastic rocks. This unit is composed of sandstone with occasional conglomerates that accumulated in a deltaic to deep-water environment. Individual thick, coarse beds are at the base of the formation. These beds grade into the sandstone, which contains the amber, in parallel lamination with occasional ripple marks preserved on the surfaces.


Dominican Amber
Geological Setting

Neuroptera Lacewing
Sphecomyrma Queen Ant
Drone, Flying Ant