Merycoidodon colbertsoni


Vendor: Fossil Soup

SKU Number: SQ1406820

Merycoidodon is an Oligocene Oreodont closely related to camels and pigs and native to North America, they do not have any close relatives that live today. This fossil has been carefully and professionally prepared in the lab. The skull, including the eye orbits and lower jaw have been extracted from the matrix to reveal every part of the bone and teeth.

The skull and lower jaw can be mounted open-mouthed on a provided stand that has a metal post. Mounted, the height of this piece is about 15cm. Oreodonts that have undergone this level of preparation and restoration to produce a free standing skull and jaw are uncommon. This is because the effort required to remove all of the matrix from the eye orbits, inside the skull, around the teeth and on all of the bone doesn't make it worthwhile financially.

Thoughtful restoration has occurred in many areas of the skull and jaw to enhance the beauty and completeness of the skull. The front teeth have been professionally reconstructed, though all other teeth appear to be original. There is also some evidence of reconstruction on the hinges of the lower jaw and elsewhere on the skull. This is totally acceptable when you consider the level of reconstruction and restoration that takes place with larger fossil reptiles, where 50% of the bones constitute a complete skeleton.

Full dimensions are listed below.

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Vendor: Fossil Soup

SKU Number: SQ1406820

Merycoidodon is an Oligocene Oreodont closely related to camels and pigs and native to North America, they do not have any close relatives that live today. This fossil has been carefully and professionally prepared in the lab. The skull, including the eye orbits and lower jaw have been extracted from the matrix to reveal every part of the bone and teeth.

The skull and lower jaw can be mounted open-mouthed on a provided stand that has a metal post. Mounted, the height of this piece is about 15cm. Oreodonts that have undergone this level of preparation and restoration to produce a free standing skull and jaw are uncommon. This is because the effort required to remove all of the matrix from the eye orbits, inside the skull, around the teeth and on all of the bone doesn't make it worthwhile financially.

Thoughtful restoration has occurred in many areas of the skull and jaw to enhance the beauty and completeness of the skull. The front teeth have been professionally reconstructed, though all other teeth appear to be original. There is also some evidence of reconstruction on the hinges of the lower jaw and elsewhere on the skull. This is totally acceptable when you consider the level of reconstruction and restoration that takes place with larger fossil reptiles, where 50% of the bones constitute a complete skeleton.

Full dimensions are listed below.

Vendor: Fossil Soup

SKU Number: SQ1406820

Merycoidodon is an Oligocene Oreodont closely related to camels and pigs and native to North America, they do not have any close relatives that live today. This fossil has been carefully and professionally prepared in the lab. The skull, including the eye orbits and lower jaw have been extracted from the matrix to reveal every part of the bone and teeth.

The skull and lower jaw can be mounted open-mouthed on a provided stand that has a metal post. Mounted, the height of this piece is about 15cm. Oreodonts that have undergone this level of preparation and restoration to produce a free standing skull and jaw are uncommon. This is because the effort required to remove all of the matrix from the eye orbits, inside the skull, around the teeth and on all of the bone doesn't make it worthwhile financially.

Thoughtful restoration has occurred in many areas of the skull and jaw to enhance the beauty and completeness of the skull. The front teeth have been professionally reconstructed, though all other teeth appear to be original. There is also some evidence of reconstruction on the hinges of the lower jaw and elsewhere on the skull. This is totally acceptable when you consider the level of reconstruction and restoration that takes place with larger fossil reptiles, where 50% of the bones constitute a complete skeleton.

Full dimensions are listed below.

Specimen Details
Species Name: Merycoidodon culbertsoni Order / Fami:ly Artiodactyla / Merycoidodontidae Age: Early Oligocene Locality: South Dakota Formation: Brule Formation
Matrix Dimensions
Dimensions: In Centimeters Length: N/A Width: N/A Height: N/A Weight: N/A
Specimen Dimensions
Dimensions: In Centimeters Length: 20.50 cm Width: 10.70 cm Height w/Jaw: 12.00 cm Weight: N/A
Shipping Dimensions
Dimensions: In Inches Length: 12.25 inches Width: 12.00 inches Height: 6.0 inches Weight: 5.0 lbs (Large Flat Rate Box)
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Additional Information

Merycoidodon is an extinct genus of herbivorous artiodactyl of the family Merycoidodontidae. It was endemic to North America during the Middle Eocene to Middle Miocene, existing for approximately 30 million years. Oreodonts are extinct Artiodactylids (even-toed mammals) most closely related to camels and pigs, with no close relatives living today. All are herbivorous, browsing on a diet of leaves and young shoots.



Plesiadapis sp.
Coelodonta antiquitatis (Woolly Rhino)
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Coelodonta antiquitatis (Woolly Rhino)