Crassifimbra walcotti


Vendor: Gold Bugs

SKU Number: SQ0142002

Very rare and perfect Crassifimbra walcotti trilobite from the Lower Cambrian rocks of the Pioche Shale. Complete specimens of this species are exceedingly rare to non-existent. For the species collector this is an excellent opportunity.

Full dimensions are listed below.

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Vendor: Gold Bugs

SKU Number: SQ0142002

Very rare and perfect Crassifimbra walcotti trilobite from the Lower Cambrian rocks of the Pioche Shale. Complete specimens of this species are exceedingly rare to non-existent. For the species collector this is an excellent opportunity.

Full dimensions are listed below.

Vendor: Gold Bugs

SKU Number: SQ0142002

Very rare and perfect Crassifimbra walcotti trilobite from the Lower Cambrian rocks of the Pioche Shale. Complete specimens of this species are exceedingly rare to non-existent. For the species collector this is an excellent opportunity.

Full dimensions are listed below.

Specimen Details
Species Name: Crassifimbra walcotti Order / Family: Ptychopariida / Antagmidae Age: Lower Cambrian Locality: Lincoln County, Nevada Formation: Pioche Shale
Matrix Dimensions
Dimensions: In Centimeters Length: 5.50 cm Width: 4.10 cm Height: 0.90 cm Weight: N/A
Specimen Dimensions
Dimensions: In Centimeters Length: 0.90 cm Width: 0.60 cm Height: Negligible Weight: N/A
Shipping Dimensions
Dimensions: In Inches Length: 10.0 inches Width: 7.0 inches Height: 3.0 inches Weight: 2.0 lbs
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Additional Information

The Pioche Shale is an Early to Middle Cambrian Burgess shale-type Lagerstätte in Nevada that preserves arthropods and worms similar to the Burgess Shale. It spans the Early–Middle Cambrian boundary; fossils from the Early Cambrian are preserved in botryoidal hematite, whereas those from the Middle Cambrian are preserved in the more familiar carbon films, and very reminiscent of the Chengjiang County preservation.

In the Eureka area, the Pioche has a variable lithologic character which is most commonly a greenish or grey, calcareous or micaceous shale which may locally be reddish or brown in color with abundant trilobite parts throughout the formation.

Crassifimbra walcotti is a trilobite from a Low diversity assemblage of Pytchopariid trilobites from the Lower-Middle Cambrian Boundary Interval, Pioche Shale, Southeastern Nevada.

Pioche Shale
Pytchopariid trilobites from the Lower-Middle Cambrian Boundary Interval, Pioche Shale, Southeastern Nevada

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